Your student may be aiming to achieve one or more specializations (additional designations in conjunction with their graduation diploma). You can assign specializations to your students to accurately keep track of their progress and ensure they’ll meet their goals.
Apply a specialization
To assign your student a specialization:
- From your educator account, click Features and select Courses & Diplomas.
- Click Student course plans to open the student list.
- Locate the student whose specialization you'd like to change.
- Click in the checkbox to the left of their name.
Tip: To filter and select multiple students, click Filters to narrow the student list by several options, such as grade, or group. Then click Apply.The student list is narrowed by your filter option. Click the Selected (0) checkbox at the top of the list to select all the students in your newly filtered list.
- From the top of the list, click the Assign diploma dropdown, and select Assign specialization.
- Select the specialization from the available choices and click Assign.
View the progress of a student's specialization
To view a student’s progress in each of their specializations:
- From the Student course plans page, click on the student name.
- The Course planner tab on the student's profile opens.
- To the right of the diploma name, click the dropdown to show all the diplomas and specializations assigned to the student.
- Click on the title of the specialization to view their current progress.
Additional resources
Short VideoShort VideoManaging students' high school course plans New
In this short video, you'll see how Xello’s Course Planner lets students manage their course selections to meet diploma requirements.
PDFPDFWork with student course plans New
Follow this guide for tips on how to make your course planner review process a breeze. Learn how to review, track, action, and approve student course plans.
PDFPDFCourse Planner annual tasks guideDownload this guide for helpful reminders on what to review and update in Xello's Course Planner each year.