A student's credit history will sometimes have courses that don’t exist in a school's current course offerings. Most often this happens when a student has transferred from another school or when the school has recently changed or discontinued courses. These courses are Unmatched courses.
Why match unmatched courses
Credit history is an important part of calculating prerequisite and diploma requirements in Xello. You can match courses in a student’s credit history that your school doesn’t offer to existing courses that are similar. These courses will then be counted toward subject area graduation requirements and prerequisites, as though the student had taken the courses offered at your school.
Unmatched courses that cannot be matched to courses at your school will still be counted as elective credits toward a student's diploma.
Link an unmatched course
Xello will search for and recommend courses with similar codes to help with matching courses that are unmatched.
To link a course that is unmatched:
- From your educator account, click Features and select Courses & Diplomas.
- Click Unmatched courses.
- To view Xello's recommended courses, click the link in the Possible match column.
- If there are no recommendations, click the three dot icon to the right and select View possible matches.
- Select a course from the possible match recommendations, or search for another course to match to, and click Match course.
Ignore an unmatched course
Not all courses have equivalents or need to map to existing courses. Credits associated with unmatched courses will be included as credit towards a student’s diploma as elective credits.
To ignore unmatched courses:
- From your educator account, click Features and select Courses & Diplomas.
- Click Unmatched courses.
- Click the three dot icon to the right of the course name and select Ignore course.
Additional resources
Short VideoShort VideoManaging students' high school course plans New
In this short video, you'll see how Xello’s Course Planner lets students manage their course selections to meet diploma requirements.
PDFPDFWork with student course plans New
Follow this guide for tips on how to make your course planner review process a breeze. Learn how to review, track, action, and approve student course plans.
PDFPDFCourse Planner annual tasks guideDownload this guide for helpful reminders on what to review and update in Xello's Course Planner each year.