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Check out the full list of all our training resources for Xello K-5 and Xello 6-12. Browse our live webinars and register to learn from a trainer, or check out our previously recorded training sessions. Check out Xello Academy for short modules to help you deliver Xello to your students.

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Introductory Training

  • recorded webinarLive webinar
    Live webinarHello Xello: An Introduction to 6-12

    Are you a new Xello 6-12 educator or need a refresher? In this session, you'll discover ways to get started using Xello with your students and help them on their path to future success.

  • recorded webinarLive webinar
    live webinarHello Xello: An Introduction to K-5

    Xello for Elementary equips students with the skills, knowledge, and attitudes that become the building blocks of meaningful life and career development. Learn what your K-5 students will experience in Xello.

  • live webinarXello Academy
    Xello AcademyXello Academy for Xello 6-12

    Are you a middle or high school educator new to Xello? Get to know the program, explore how it works, and access key resources.

  • AcademyXello Academy
    Xello AcademyXello Academy for Xello K-5

    Are you an elementary school educator new to Xello K-5? Get to know the program, explore how it works, and access key resources.