Unlock the power of surveys to boost student engagement and decision-making. Learn to create customizable surveys for feedback, self-evaluation, and more, transforming data into actionable insights.
Surveys in Xello are more than just a feature—they're a game-changer.
In this session, you'll learn:
- How surveys in Xello enable educators to effortlessly monitor student progress towards their college, career and life goals.
- Learn how survey responses can be leveraged to provide tailored support and guidance, ensuring every student receives the assistance they need to succeed.
- Tips and strategies for using surveys in Xello.
- Discover how to create and share surveys to evaluate the effectiveness of your programs and activities, allowing you to identify what works best for your students.
But that's not all! We'll also dive into the student experience, showcasing how students can easily access and complete surveys right from their Xello dashboard. With the ability to save and return later, as well as the option to submit multiple times based on your survey settings, students have the flexibility they need to engage fully with the process.
Additional resources
Xello Resource
Xello ResourceSurveys in XelloSurveys in Xello help educators track student progress towards their goals, and can help educators provide support and guidance for their students. Learn how to create and edit surveys, how students access and complete them, and how to run a report on surveys in Xello.