Lesson prerequisites for students

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Many of the lessons have prerequisite activities in Xello that students must complete before they can start the lesson. For example, in order to start the Learning Styles lesson, students must have completed the Learning styles assessment and have at least 3 saved careers.

These prerequisites are used to personalize the lessons so that students can engage with and reflect on content that is meaningful to them. To help your students get even more value out of the prerequisites, check out the supplementary Xello activity lesson plan resources also linked in the table below.

FYIFYI: Prerequisites can also be added to custom lessons. To learn more about custom lessons in Xello, start with About custom lessons.

A quick summary of the prerequisites for each Xello lesson:

Lesson Grade Prerequisites Xello activity lesson plan resources
Interests 6
  • Add at least 5 interests in About me
  • Save at least 3 careers
School subjects at work 6
  • Save at least 3 careers
Decision making 6
  • None
  • None
Time management 6
  • Save at least 3 careers
Explore learning styles 7
  • Complete the Learning styles quiz
  • Save at least 3 careers
Discover learning pathways 7
  • Save at least 3 careers
Biases and career choices 7
  • None
  • None
Jobs and employers 7
  • Save at least 3 careers
Skills 8
  • Save at least 3 careers
Explore career matches 8
  • Complete the Matchmaker quiz
  • Save at least 3 careers
Transition to high school 8
  • Save at least 5 Interests
Self-advocacy 8
  • None
  • None
Personality styles 9
  • Complete the Personality styles quiz (the second part of Matchmaker)
  • Save at least 3 careers
Exploring career factors 9
  • Save at least 3 careers
Getting experience 9
  • Save at least 3 careers
  • Add at least 3 experiences to the Experiences timeline
Study skills and habits 9
  • None
  • None
Work values 10
  • Save at least 3 careers
Careers and lifestyle costs 10
  • Save at least 3 careers
Workplace skills and attitudes 10
  • Save at least 3 careers
Program prospects 10
  • Save at least 3 majors
Choosing a college 11
  • Save at least 3 schools
Career demand 11
  • Save at least 3 careers
Entrepreneurial skills 11
  • Save at least 3 careers
Work/life balance 11
  • Save at least 3 careers
Defining success 12
  • Save at least 3 careers
Career backup plans 12
  • Save at least 3 careers
Job interviews 12
  • Save at least 3 careers
Career path choices 12
  • Add at least 5 interests
  • Save at least 3 careers
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FYIFYI: For a deeper dive, including recommended completion time and learning objectives, check out List of Lessons.
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Additional resources

  • pdfPDF
    PDFIntroducing students to Xello: Scope and sequence

    The Scope and sequence document outlines recommendations for how to use Xello throughout each grade.

  • pdfPDF
    PDFLessons pacing guide

    Use this pacing guide to simplify your experience with Xello Lessons and supplementary resources. Topics for each grade level are sequenced for you, so you can see at a glance the order in which to deliver the curriculum.

    SUPPLEMENTARY RESOURCEIntroducing Xello 6-12 to students

    Use the resources on this page to help introduce Xello 6-12 on the first day of class. The presentation and video will help get students started!.

  • open bookXello Academy
    Xello AcademyInstructional Tips for Xello 6-12

    In this course, you'll explore key tools, discover classroom implementation strategies, and receive teaching tips to help you and your students get the most out of Xello!

  • xello resourceXello Resource
    Xello ResourceIntegrated Lessons in XelloUse this walkthrough to explore how Xello's interactive Lessons helps students build critical skills and knowledge for real-world success while encouraging ongoing reflection.