List of Lessons in Xello 3-5

userEducator Xello productXello 3-5 Time8 minutes

Xello's interactive lessons encourage ongoing learning and reflection on a wide range of future readiness topics. They can be woven into curriculum plans, assigned as self-paced activities, and used as milestones of progress. Your students will uncover new skills and insights, and you’ll seamlessly strengthen their knowledge and professional skills without ever leaving Xello.

Listed in the table below are Lesson resources which build on the work students do in Xello Lessons. For even more activities to complement the work students do in Xello, check out the Extension activities.

Xello Lesson At a glance Learning objectives and lesson resources Prerequisites
Mission: Interests

Recommended grade: 3

Time: 20-40 min

Dart has lost his interests! In their quest to help Dart, students explore the importance of interests and the link between interests and activities they can do now and when they’re adults. They also have the chance to reflect on one of their interests.

By the end of this activity, students will:

  • Define interests and understand how the things they like can help define who you are
  • Explore the link between interests and various activities
  • Reflect on their interests and favorite things

To support your students even further, check out the Lesson resources.

Save 3 interests

Mission: School subjects

Recommended grade: 3

Time: 30-40 min

What happens when you cross a science experiment with stinky gym clothes? A slippery slime monster, that's what! Pep and his friends race to save the school, exploring how what they learn in class everyday relates to activities outside of school - and hopefully defeating the slime creatures!

By the end of this activity, students will:

  • Connect what they're learning in school to related opportunities outside of school, like hobbies and chores
  • Reflect positively on the subjects and topics they are learning in school
  • Identify careers that use their favorite subject on the job

To support your students even further, check out the Lesson resources.
Rank school subjects
Mission: Managing big feelings Recommended grade: 3

Time: 30-40 min

An emotional argument over a video game ends with Dax and her friends trapped in a virtual world! The friends must learn how to identify and respond to big feelings to be able to pass each level and free themselves from the game.

By the end of this activity, students will:

  • Identify and name strong emotions, consider why they occur, and how to respond
  • Explore different strategies they can use to handle strong emotions
  • Reflect on a time when they struggled with a strong emotion, how they responded, and describe how they would advise someone else who struggles with the same emotion
  • Create a new Xellion character based on a strong emotion and tell a short story about them

To support your students even further, check out the Lesson resources.

Mission: Why people work Recommended grade: 3

Time: 20-30 min

A strange new machine has arrived at school for Career Day. The Workulator claims it will reveal everyone’s dream job. But a milkshake mishap makes the machine go wonky! In order to save Career Day, students must help Newt and her friends fix the Workulator and find better career matches.

By the end of this lesson, students will:

  • Understand the definition of a job
  • Identify the reasons people work, from meeting basic needs to achieving higher goals
  • Consider what kind of work environment they prefer
  • Explore the ways a career they like could help them meet their work goals

To support your students even further, check out the Lesson resources.

Like 1 career
Mission: Skills Recommended grade: 4

Time: 20-30 min

Doon needs help saving Fun Fest! In this lesson, students teach Doon about the importance of skills and how they’re transferable, and reflect on one of their own skills.

By the end of this activity, students will:

  • Identify skills and their importance
  • Link skills to activities at home and in the community, and jobs
  • Explore transferability of skills
  • Positively and confidently reflect on their own skills
  • Develop a growth mindset, understanding they have to work at skills to get stronger

To support your students even further, check out the Lesson resources.

Save 3 Skills
Mission: Goal setting Recommended grade: 4

Time: 30-40 min

Dax is determined to learn how to do the best cartwheels, but some goal gremlins are out to get in her way. In this lesson, students help Dax's friends explore some of the things that can put goal achievement at risk, and learn strategies for staying on track with their goals.

By the end of this activity, students will:

  • Identify characteristics of a good goal (i.e. achievable and specific)
  • Explore potential goal obstacles and ways to overcome them
  • Reflect on one of their own goals and the challenges they may face (or did face) in completing the goal
  • Understand that setting goals makes their dreams possible / achievable.

To support your students even further, check out the Lesson resources.

Add at least 1 goal to profile
Mission: Tools for success Recommended grade: 4

Time: 30-40 min

Something is up with Mr. Sly. Dart and his friends are on the case to discover the reason for their teacher’s strange behavior. Students join the friends to gather clues, as they explore the skills and habits that can help them succeed at school and beyond. But can their success tools help solve the mystery of Mr. Sly?

By the end of this activity, students will:

  • Explore the skills and habits that can help them succeed at school
  • Identify the benefits of working hard to develop and use success tools
  • Reflect on success tools they’ve used and connect how success tools they use at school can also help them do their best in other parts of their lives, and eventually at work

To support your students even further, check out the Lesson resources.

Mission: Problem solving Recommended grade: 4

Time: 30-40 min

Treble and his friends are excited to go on a school trip to the museum. But when they fall through a mysterious trap door, they get totally lost! Can they work together and use their problem-solving skills to find their way back to the class? As students help the gang out of this tricky situation, they learn how to identify, approach, and solve problems.

By the end of this lesson, students will:

  • Identify the steps for solving a problem
  • Explore common problem-solving skills
  • Understand that a problem might have more than one solution
  • Reflect on a skill they have used to solve a problem

To support your students even further, check out the Lesson resources.

Mission: Learning and future success Recommended grade: 5

Time: 20-30 min

Dart’s been hit with a no-learning curse! Students explore the importance of lifelong learning, link learning activities with their perks, and investigate how a commitment to keep learning can help in a career they like.

By the end of this activity, students will:

  • Identify reasons learning is important
  • Explore the value of lifelong learning by linking learning activities with their potential benefits
  • Reflect on how what they're learning now relates to a job they like
  • Describe the learning they will need to do to work in a job that they like

To support your students even further, check out the Lesson resources.

Like 3 careers
Mission: Facing Big Challenges Recommended grade: 5

Time: 30-40 min

Marsh has been taken by the ogre of Howl Back Forest! As students help Marsh's friends venture deep into the ogre's cave, they learn about the importance of perseverance when faced with big (and small) challenges.

By the end of this activity, students will:

  • Define perseverance and the qualities that help someone persevere
  • Uncover the importance perseverance plays in what they do and achieve
  • Explore ways to demonstrate perseverance
  • Describe examples of perseverance from their own lives

To support your students even further, check out the Lesson resources.

Add at least 1 achievement
Mission: Learning paths Recommended grade: 5

Time: 30-40 min

A freak storm turns a field trip to a robot factory into the ultimate job shadow! The workers? Vanished! The robots? On the loose! It's up to Marsh and his friends to keep the business running. With the help of a mysterious chatbot, the friends must learn about different types of job training, and quick!

By the end of this activity, students will:

  • Identify types of job training and education pathways
  • Match types of training with certain careers
  • Understand the importance of preparing for a job

To support your students even further, check out the Lesson resources.

Like 3 careers
Mission: Starting a business Recommended grade: 5

Time: 30-40 min

Dart’s got big plans to be an entrepreneur! He loves animals, so he wants to start a dog grooming and walking business. Students must help Dart and his friends navigate the challenges of starting a business and get the dogs home on time.

By the end of this lesson, students will:

  • Define what an entrepreneur does
  • Understand that entrepreneurship comes with both risks and rewards
  • Match entrepreneurial skills to business start-up tasks
  • Reflect on how they would solve a problem by starting a business

To support your students even further, check out the Lesson resources.


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Additional resources

  • pdfPDF
    PDFIntroducing students to Xello: Scope and sequence

    The Scope and sequence document outlines recommendations for how to use Xello throughout each grade.

  • pdfPDF
    PDFLessons pacing guide

    Use this pacing guide to simplify your experience with Xello Lessons and supplementary resources. Topics for each grade level are sequenced for you, so you can see at a glance the order in which to deliver the curriculum.

  • open bookXello Academy
    Xello AcademyInstructional Tips for Xello 3-5

    In this course, you'll explore key tools, discover classroom implementation strategies, and receive teaching tips to help you and your students get the most out of Xello!