Set up Course Planner

userXello AdminXello productXello 6-12Time6 minutes

Xello’s Course Planner empowers students to take ownership of their course plan and graduation pathway. At the same time, counsellors save tons of time through automated prerequisite validation, specialization tracking, and graduation tracking.

tipWhat's a specialization? Specializations are distinctions that students can earn in addition to high school graduation. Depending on where you are, they may be called Endorsements, Pathways, Specialist High Skills Majors, or something else entirely. You’ll be able to set the right label for each one in Xello.

Here’s how your district can get started with Course Planner:

  1. Connect with your Success and Onboarding Managers to let them know you want to move ahead with Course Planner.
  2. Your IT team needs to ensure a few additional files are part of your SIS integration. They can start with this article: Create Course Data Files.
  3. Send us your course guide. We’ll configure all of your courses, disciplines, rules, diplomas, and specializations for you.
  4. The person who will be managing Course Planner at your district will complete the 7-Step Setup to get the planner up and running for educators and students.
7-Step setup for courses & diplomas 4:27