View a student's assignment progress

userEducator Xello productXello 6-12 Time1 minute

Visit a student's profile to see how many assignments they've been assigned, view the assignment details, and the student's progress status for each one.

To view a student's assignment progress:

  1. In the search bar located at the top of any page in your educator account, enter the student's name or ID.
    Search bar in Xello educator account highlighted with cursor hovering
    Click to enlarge
    Search bar in Xello educator account highlighted with cursor hovering
    tipTip: Alternatively, from the left menu, click Students and select Student list to browse the full list of students.
  2. Click on the student's name. The About student tab of their profile opens.
    Click to enlarge
    pointer hovering over search bar
  3. From the top of the page, click the Assignments tab to bring up their list of assignments.
    • Sort the list by column headings such as Status or Reviewed.
  4. Click on an assignment name to view the assignment details, if and when the student submitted their work, and to submit your feedback.