About WRL opportunities in Xello

userEducator & WRL AdminTime4 minutes

Xello’s Work-related Learning (WRLmodule helps bridge the gap between education and the world of work. If your school has purchased Xello's WRL add-on module, your students will have access to additional features in their Explore page. These features enable them to view profiles of local businesses that have partnered with your school, and to search for work-related learning opportunities such as job shadows, work experience, internships, informational interviews and more.

As an educator, you can participate in your school's WRL programme by taking on the role of Opportunities Coordinator at your school, or by taking advantage of the opportunities made available to you, such as teacher externships, guest speakers, company tours, and more.

noteNote: Every school must assign the role of Opportunities Coordinator to one educator who will be responsible for coordinating students’ opportunity requests. If you’d like to update the Opportunity Coordinator at your school, please contact our Client Solutions team at help@cascaid.co.uk.

Save time and stay organised with a centralised database to manage your contacts, companies, and opportunities. And create efficiencies through a streamlined workflow with an integrated work-related learning and careers, education, information, and guidance solution.

Additional resources

  • pdfPDF
    PDFIntroduction to WRL in Xello
  • pdfPDF
    PDFTrack Gatsby Benchmarks 5 and 6 with Bulk Status Updates in WRL
  • pdfPDF
    PDFWRL Student Handout
  • pdfPDF
    PDFOpportunity Coordinator Guide
  • pdfPDF
    PDFEducator's Guide to Opportunities
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