About Custom Lessons

userEducator & Xello Admin Xello productXello 6-12 & Xello 3-5 Time2 minutes

While Xello's ready-made Lessons cover a wide range of future-readiness topics, the ability to create custom lessons ensures students meet the unique curriculum requirements of their district.

Users with administrator access can create a custom lesson that will show in the Lessons section on the student's dashboard. Custom lessons can easily be tracked so you can see how many students have completed the work assigned.

Additionally, custom lessons help reduce the prep workload on educators by making it easy for educators and students to know exactly which activities and lessons need to be completed for students to be future-ready.

When creating a lesson, customize the content from the title to the instructions. You can also attach files, like templates or information resources. Choose which grades to assign the lesson to and whether to make it a core lesson so it's top priority on their dashboard.

Create a custom lesson
noteNote: Only those with administrator access can create or make these changes. To learn more about educator access and permissions, read the article on Educator permissions.

Take advantage of the prerequisite options to ensure students finish other future-readiness activities in Xello. Prerequisites are activities that must be completed before the student can begin the lesson. This ensures important requirements are put at the forefront. Choose from prerequisites like completing an assessment, creating a plan, building a resume, or adding interests, skills, or volunteer hours. Up to five prerequisite activities can be added to a custom lesson.

Educators and custom lessons

In your educator account, under Lessons, you can view the content of the custom lesson before administering it in class with students. Then, from Reports, check out how many students have completed the lesson and who might need further support and encouragement.

Students and Custom Lessons

For students in Xello 3-5, custom lessons are housed on their dashboard under Missions.

Student dashboard in Xello 3-5 with cursor hovering over Missions button that says Get Started
Custom Lesson on the Student Dashboard

For students in Xello 6-12, custom lessons are housed on their dashboard under Lessons.

Custom Lessons on Student Dashboard

If the custom lesson includes prerequisites, the lesson will be "locked" before they can begin. To "unlock" the lesson, students must first complete those prerequisites. By clicking on the custom lesson, links to the required activities encourage students to dive right in and get started.

To fulfill a custom lesson, students type out their answer in the text box and upload any relevant files before clicking Turn in. If they need to make changes after turning in their custom lesson, they click Unsubmit and upload the new version before clicking Turn in again.