Honest Game

userEducator Xello productXello 6-12 Time2 minutes

Xello has teamed up with Honest Game to make it easier for high school staff, parents, coaches and student-athletes to track academic eligibility requirements to play college sports.

Honest Game’s educational software ensures schools can proactively plan students’ academic eligibility for college sports. The best-in-class automated software, system, and services align school departments, students, and families by tracking learning outcomes across all student activities and offering guidance on the classes, grades, and test scores needed to meet NCAA academic eligibility status.

How educators access Honest Game student profiles from Xello:

  1. In the search bar located at the top of any page in your educator account, enter the student's name or ID.
    Search bar in Xello educator account highlighted with cursor hovering
    Click to enlarge
    Search bar in Xello educator account highlighted with cursor hovering
    tipTip: Alternatively, from the left menu, click Students and select Student list to browse the full list of students.
  2. Click on the student's name. The About student tab of their profile opens.
    An educator's view of a student's profile in Xello. The "About student" tab is open.
    Click to enlarge
    An educator's view of a student's profile in Xello. The "About student" tab is open.
  3. From the top of their profile, click Honestgame.
    An educator's view of a student's profile in Xello. A button called "Honestgame" is highlighted with a cursor clicking on it.
    Click to enlarge
    An educator's view of a student's profile in Xello. A button called "Honestgame" is highlighted with a cursor clicking on it.
  4. The Honest Game login page will open in a new tab.
  5. Once you've logged in to Honest Game, the profile of the student you were viewing will open.
FYIFYI: You can access a student's Xello profile from Honest Game. On the student's profile page in Honest Game, click View Profile in Xello.
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