Modify lesson sequence and settings
userXello Admin Xello productXello 6-12 Time3 minutes

Xello provides a recommended grade for each lesson based on the topic area and the complexity of the content.

Administrators at your district can modify the recommended grades, or shift the order of priority for how the lessons are shown to students based on the district's goals and objectives. Individual lessons can also be deactivated if the content is not a priority for your district.

noteNote: Only those with administrator access can create or make these changes. To learn more about educator access and permissions, read the article on Educator permissions.
In this article

Move a lesson to another grade

Meet your unique district recommendations and move a Xello lesson to a different grade.

To move a lesson from one grade to another: 

  1. From your educator account, click Features and select Lessons.
    Features menu open with cursor hovering over Lessons
    Click to enlarge
    Features menu open with cursor hovering over Lessons
  2. From the top of the page, ensure the correct grade range is selected: Grades 6-12 or Grades 3-5.
  3. Drag and drop the lesson you want to change into the desired grade.
    • Your changes will save automatically.
NoteNote: Lessons cannot be moved from one grade range to another. Xello 6-12 Lessons can only be assigned to students in the grade 6-12 range.
How to move a lesson to a different grade

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Assign a lesson to multiple grades

To meet local mandates, Xello lessons can be assigned to more than one grade. Students in each grade the lesson is assigned access it from their dashboard. It will only show in the highest grade it was assigned and not in previous grades when they click View All Lessons. Students complete the lesson once.

To assign a lesson to multiple grades:

  1. From your educator account, click Features and select Lessons.
    Features menu open with cursor hovering over Lessons
    Click to enlarge
    Features menu open with cursor hovering over Lessons
  2. From the top of the page, ensure the correct grade range is selected: Grades 6-12 or Grades 3-5.
  3. Find the lesson you wish to move and click on the title.
    • A dialog box with a summary of the lesson opens.
  4. From the bottom right, click Edit.
    custom lesson with edit button highlighted
    Click to enlarge
    custom lesson with edit button highlighted
  5. Select each of the grades you'd like the lesson to show in and click Save.
    Click to enlarge

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Activate or deactivate a lesson

An individual Xello Lesson can be deactivated and later reactivated if the content is not a priority for your district.

To activate or deactivate a lesson:

  1. From your educator account, click Features and select Lessons.
    Features menu open with cursor hovering over Lessons
    Click to enlarge
    Features menu open with cursor hovering over Lessons
  2. From the top of the page, ensure the correct grade range is selected: Grades 6-12 or Grades 3-5.
  3. Find the one you plan to activate or deactivate and click on the title.
    • A dialog box with a summary of the lesson opens.
  4. From the bottom right, click Edit.
  5. From the top right, switch the Status active toggle to either YES or NO.
    • Toggling to NO will mean students cannot see or access that lesson.
  6. Click Save.
How to deactivate or activate a lesson

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Additional resources

  • pdfPDF
    PDFIntroducing students to Xello: Scope and sequence

    The Scope and sequence document outlines recommendations for how to use Xello throughout each grade.

  • pdfPDF
    PDFLessons pacing guide

    Use this pacing guide to simplify your experience with Xello Lessons and supplementary resources. Topics for each grade level are sequenced for you, so you can see at a glance the order in which to deliver the curriculum.

    SUPPLEMENTARY RESOURCEIntroducing Xello 6-12 to students

    Use the resources on this page to help introduce Xello 6-12 on the first day of class. The presentation and video will help get students started!.

  • xello resourceXello Resource
    Xello ResourceIntegrated Lessons in XelloUse this walkthrough to explore how Xello's interactive Lessons helps students build critical skills and knowledge for real-world success while encouraging ongoing reflection.