This guide shows you how to set up your Xello lesson sequence to align with the Postsecondary and Career Expectations (PaCE) elements and College and Career Readiness Indicators (CCRI), including the College and Career Pathways Endorsement (CCPE). Each framework element or indicator corresponds to a Lesson in Xello, either one of our out-of-the-box lessons or a custom lesson specifically for PaCE, CCRI, and/or CCPE. We have provided examples of custom lessons, but you should feel free to adapt those to suit your district’s needs and goals.
To learn more about how these lessons align with PaCE elements and CCRI checkout:
PDFIllinois ESSA College and Career Readiness Indicators and Xello -
PDFIllinois PaCE Postsecondary and Career Expectations and Xello -
PDFIllinois PaCE, CCRI, CCPE, and Xello Crosswalk
Lesson Sequence
In your Lesson sequence, mark the Lessons below as Core. Lessons marked as Core are front and center on students’ dashboard and can be filtered in Lesson Progress reports. For more guidance on how to create your Xello lesson sequence, checkout custom lessons, which are described in the Create you Xello lesson sequence.
Lessons marked with an asterisk (*) are custom lessons, which are described in the Custom Lesson Guide. For a grade-by-grade summary of the lessons students should complete to support PaCE and CCRI requirements, check out this quick guide.
Middle School
Middle School Requirements | Xello Lesson | Grade |
PaCE Aspiration Students should be supported to:
Students should be exposed to:
Interests | 6 |
PaCE Planning Students should be supported to:
School subjects at work | 6 |
PaCE Planning Students should be exposed to:
Transferable skills* | 6 |
PaCE Self-Advocacy Students should be supported to:
Decision making | 6 |
PaCE Self-Advocacy Students should be exposed to:
Building resilience and perseverance* | 6 or 7 |
PaCE Aspiration Students should be supported to:
Discover learning pathways | 7 |
PaCE Aspiration Students should be supported to:
Create a career portfolio* | 7 |
PaCE Planning Students should be supported to:
Time management | 7 |
PaCE Planning Students should be supported to:
Starting a new helpful habit* | 7 |
PaCE Self-Advocacy Students should be exposed to:
Self-advocacy | 7 |
PaCE Aspiration Students should be supported to:
Skills | 8 |
PaCE Planning Students should be supported to:
Jobs and employers | 8 |
PaCE Planning Students should be exposed to:
PaCE Self-Advocacy Students should be supported to:
Transition to high school | 8 |
PaCE Planning Students should be supported to:
PaCE Self-Advocacy Students should be supported to:
8th grade CCRI and your 4-year course plan* | 8 |
PaCE Self-Advocacy Students should be exposed to:
Budgeting basics* | 8 |
PaCE Self-Advocacy Students should be exposed to:
Explore learning styles | 8 |
Freshman & Sophomore
Freshman & Sophomore Requirements | Xello Lesson | Grade |
PaCE Career Exploration & Development Students should be supported to:
Students should know:
CCRI Career area of interest |
Explore career matches | 9 |
PaCE Post-Secondary Education Exploration, Preparation & Selection Students should know:
Getting experience | 9 |
PaCE Post-Secondary Education Exploration, Preparation & Selection Students should be supported to:
Program research* | 9 |
PaCE Post-Secondary Education Exploration, Preparation & Selection Students should be supported to:
Students should know:
9th grade high school course plan review* | 9 |
PaCE Financial Aid & Literacy Students should know:
Cost of postsecondary school* | 9 |
PaCE Financial Aid & Literacy Students should be supported to:
9th grade Financial aid presentation follow-up* | 9 |
CCRI Career area of interest CCPE College and Career Pathway Endorsement under Postsecondary Workforce Readiness Act |
CCRI: Career area of interest* | 9 or 10 |
PaCE Career Exploration & Development Students should be supported to:
CCPE College and Career Pathway Endorsement under Postsecondary Workforce Readiness Act |
Work values | 10 |
PaCE Career Exploration & Development Students should be supported to:
Students should know:
CCRI Career area of interest |
Workplace skills and attitudes | 10 |
PaCE Career Exploration & Development Students should be supported to:
Students should know:
CCRI Career area of interest |
Careers and lifestyle costs | 10 |
PaCE Post-Secondary Education Exploration, Preparation & Selection Students should know:
Program prospects | 10 |
PaCE Post-Secondary Education Exploration, Preparation & Selection Students should be supported to:
Building career connections* | 10 |
PaCE Post-Secondary Education Exploration, Preparation & Selection Students should be supported to:
CCPE College and Career Pathway Endorsement under Postsecondary Workforce Readiness Act |
10th grade high school course plan review* | 10 |
PaCE Financial Aid & Literacy Students should be supported to:
10th grade financial aid presentation follow-up* | 10 |
Junior & Senior
Junior & Senior Requirements | Xello Lesson | Grade |
PaCE Career Exploration & Development Students should be supported to:
Students should know:
Job interviews | 11 |
PaCE Career Exploration & Development Students should be supported to:
Create your resume* | 11 |
CCPE College and Career Pathway Endorsement under Postsecondary Workforce Readiness Act |
Career path choices | 11 |
PaCE Post-Secondary Education Exploration, Preparation & Selection Students should be supported to:
Students should know:
Choosing a college | 11 |
PaCE Post-Secondary Education Exploration, Preparation & Selection Students should be supported to:
About ACT/SAT entrance tests* | 11 |
PaCE Post-Secondary Education Exploration, Preparation & Selection Students should be supported to:
11th grade high school course plan review* | 11 |
PaCE Financial Aid & Literacy Students should know:
Paying for college* | 11 |
PaCE All 3 domains Students should be supported to:
Postsecondary and career planning follow-up* | 11 |
PaCE Career Exploration & Development Students should know:
PaCE Post-Secondary Education Exploration, Preparation & Selection Students should know:
CCPE College and Career Pathway Endorsement under Postsecondary Workforce Readiness Act |
Academic goal setting* | 11 or 12 |
PaCE Career Exploration & Development Students should be supported to:
CCPE College and Career Pathway Endorsement under Postsecondary Workforce Readiness Act |
Team based challenges* | 12 |
PaCE Post-Secondary Education Exploration, Preparation & Selection By 12/31 of 12th grade a student should have:
Postsecondary decision day* | 12 |
PaCE Financial Aid & Literacy By 12/31 of 12th grade a student should have:
Completing the FAFSA* | 12 |
CCRI Tracking & Evidence
Junior & Senior Requirements | Xello Lesson | Grade |
PaCE Career Exploration & Development Students should be supported to:
CCRI Industry credential |
CCRI: Industry credential* | 11 or 12 |
CCRI Military service or an ASVAB score of 31 or higher | CCRI: Military service or an ASVAB score of 31 or higher* | 11 or 12 |
PaCE Post-Secondary Education Exploration, Preparation & Selection Students should be supported to:
CCRI Dual credit career pathway course (college credit earned) CCPE College and Career Pathway Endorsement under Postsecondary Workforce Readiness Act |
CCRI: Dual credit career pathway course (college credit earned)* | 11 or 12 |
CCRI Complete a program of study to be a CTE Concentrator | CCRI: Complete a program of study to be a CTE Concentrator* | 11 or 12 |
CCRI Maintain consistent employment for at least 12 months | CCRI: Maintain consistent employment for at least 12 months* | 11 or 12 |
CCRI CCRI: Consecutive Summer Employment | CCRI: Consecutive summer employment* | 11 or 12 |
CCRI 25 hours of community service CCPE College and Career Pathway Endorsement under Postsecondary Workforce Readiness Act |
CCRI: 25 hours of community service* | 11 or 12 |
CCRI Two or more organized co-curricular activities CCPE College and Career Pathway Endorsement under Postsecondary Workforce Readiness Act |
CCRI: Two or more organized co-curricular activities* | 11 or 12 |
PaCE Career Exploration & Development Students should be supported to:
CCRI Career Development Experience during high school career CCPE College and Career Pathway Endorsement under Postsecondary Workforce Readiness Act |
CCRI: Career development experience* | 11 or 12 |
Custom Lesson Guide
You can use these examples to develop your Xello Custom Lessons to ensure your students meet the requirements of PaCE and CCRI.
Custom Lesson: Transferable skills
Lesson Title | Recommended Grade | Prerequisites |
Transferable skills | 6 |
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson) | ||
How are your current experiences helping you build career related skills? The roles in your life require you to complete tasks that rely on certain skills. Whether you’re working as part of a team on a group project for school or caring for a pet at home, every responsibility requires you to use skills. Many skills you’re using and developing today will transfer to your future experiences, including your career.
Click Turn in when complete. |
Custom Lesson: Building resilience and perseverance
Custom Lesson: Create a career portfolio
Lesson Title | Recommended Grade | Prerequisites |
Create a career portfolio | 7 |
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson) | ||
Choose one of your saved Careers to be the topic of your portfolio.
That’s it! Click Turn in when complete. |
Custom Lesson: Starting a new helpful habit
Lesson Title | Recommended Grade | Prerequisites |
Starting a new helpful habit | 7 |
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson) | ||
Habits are things you do without thinking too much, like brushing your teeth. You can build new habits, too! Follow the steps below to start creating a new helpful habit.
Finally, in the textbox below, complete the following:
Click Turn in when complete. |
Custom Lesson: 8th grade CCRI and your 4-year course plan
Lesson Title | Recommended Grade | Prerequisites |
8th grade CCRI and your 4-year course plan | 8 | |
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson) | ||
You’re using Xello's Course planner to create a 4-year course plan. It’s important that the courses you selected fulfill the graduation requirements and align to your career and post-secondary education goals.
Click Turn in when complete. |
Custom Lesson: Budgeting basics
Lesson Title | Recommended Grade | Prerequisites |
Budgeting basics | 8 | 2 saved skill(s) |
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson) | ||
It’s important to understand how to be financially responsible. This involves how you manage your money and make decisions about it. A key part of this is budgeting.
Click Turn in when complete. |
Custom Lesson: Program research
Lesson title | Recommended Grade | Prerequisites |
Program research | 9 |
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson) | ||
Once you have some possible careers in mind, you can start looking into the education and training you'll need after high school. Looking at different potential pathways is an important factor in thinking about careers: are you interested in completing the required education or training for this career? In this activity you’ll explore different majors associated with 2 saved careers in Xello.
When you’ve shared your reflections for each program, click Turn in when complete. |
Custom Lesson: 9th grade high school course plan review
Lesson title | Recommended Grade | Prerequisites |
9th grade high school course plan review | 9 |
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson) | ||
You’re using Xello's Course planner to create a 4-year course plan. It’s important that the courses you selected fulfill the graduation requirements and align to your career and post-secondary education goals.
Click Turn in when complete |
Custom Lesson: Cost of postsecondary school
Lesson title | Recommended |
Prerequisites |
Cost of postsecondary school |
9 |
3 saved majors |
Instructions for students (copy and paste into your custom lesson) | ||
Having a plan to pay for your education after high school is important. Part of this plan is knowing how much it will cost. Tuition is a big part of this. Let’s look at some tuition
Click Turn in when complete. |
Custom Lesson: 9th grade financial aid presentation follow-up
Lesson title | Recommended Grade | Prerequisites |
9th grade Financial aid presentation follow-up | 9 | 3 saved career(s) |
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson) | ||
Knowing how you’ll pay for more school or training after high school and the financial aid options available is important. Attending a financial aid presentation was a great step. Remember, if you still have questions, the Federal student aid website can be a helpful resource. Check out their checklists for students, parents, or guardians, too. Access the Illinois student assistance commission (ISAC) student portal, as well. Their Toolbox provides tools to help with college preparation, financial aid, and more.
Click Turn In when complete |
Custom Lesson: CCRI Career area of interest
Lesson title | Recommended Grade | Prerequisites |
CCRI: Career area of interest | 9 or 10 |
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson) | ||
As part of this lesson, complete the Matchmaker quiz and favorite a career cluster. After completing the first phase of Matchmaker, you’ll not only be assigned a strength of match for every career in the database, but also suggested career clusters. To help you identify a career area of interest, take some time to learn more about your suggested career clusters:
In the text box below, express your career areas of interest and reflect on what aspects of this career cluster appeal to you and why you believe it’s a good fit. That's it! Click Turn In when complete |
Custom Lesson: Building career connections
Lesson title | Recommended Grade | Prerequisites |
Building career connections | 10 | 3 saved career(s) |
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson) | ||
An information interview is like a behind-the-scenes tour of someone’s career. It’s a conversation with someone to learn more about what they do and how they got there. In this assignment you will come up with 3 people to ask for information interviews. Complete the following reflections and actions for 3 saved careers:
Click Turn in when complete |
Custom Lesson: 10th grade high school course plan review
Lesson title | Recommended Grade | Prerequisites |
10th grade high school course plan review | 10 |
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson) | ||
You’re using Xello's Course planner to create a 4-year course plan. It’s important that the courses you selected fulfill the graduation requirements and align to your career and post-secondary education goals.
Click Turn in when complete |
Custom Lesson: 10th grade financial aid presentation follow-up
Lesson title | Recommended Grade | Prerequisites |
10th grade Financial aid presentation follow-up | 10 | 3 saved career(s) |
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson) | ||
Knowing how you’ll pay for more school or training after high school and the financial aid options available is important. Attending a financial aid presentation was a great step. Remember, if you still have questions, the Federal student aid website can be a helpful resource. Check out their checklists for students, parents, or guardians, too. Access the Illinois student assistance commission (ISAC) student portal, as well. Their Toolbox provides tools to help with college preparation, financial aid, and more.
Click Turn In when complete |
Custom Lesson: Create your resume
Lesson title | Recommended |
Prerequisites |
Create your |
11 |
Instructions for students (copy and paste into your custom lesson) | ||
Before you start using Xello’s Resume builder to draft a resume, watch the Building your resume with Xello video (also available in Spanish) and check out these 2 articles on for some great resume writing tips:
Once you’ve updated your resume in Xello, you can choose to download it as a formatted PDF or the Rich text option if you’d like to change section headings or design the layout yourself. Finally, attach your resume here and click Turn in. |
Custom Lesson: Career development experience
Lesson title | Recommended Grade | Prerequisites |
CCRI: Career development experience | 11 or 12 | 1 Experience(s) |
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson) | ||
Now that you’ve engaged in an internship opportunity related to the career pathway or completed an experience within the Work Based Learning Continuum, add your recent Work experience to your Experiences timeline found in the About me section of Xello. You’re using Xello to track completion of your College and career readiness indicators (CCRI). These are an important part of preparing for what’s to come after high school. You’ll need to complete at least 3 of these indicators by the time you graduate.
Click Turn in when complete |
Custom Lesson: About ACT/SAT entrance tests
Lesson title | Recommended grade(s) | Prerequisites |
About ACT/SAT entrance tests | 11 |
None |
Instructions for students (copy and paste into your custom lesson) | ||
Check out Xello's College planning knowledge hub to learn about the ACT and SAT. Answer the following questions in the text box below:
Click Turn in when complete. |
Custom Lesson: 11th grade high school course plan review
Lesson title | Recommended Grade | Prerequisites |
11th grade high school course plan review | 11 |
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson) | ||
You’re using Xello's Course planner to create a 4-year course plan. It’s important that the courses you selected fulfill the graduation requirements and align to your career and post-secondary education goals.
Click Turn in when complete |
Custom Lesson: Paying for college
Lesson title | Recommended grade(s) | Prerequisites |
Paying for college | 11 |
None |
Instructions for students (copy and paste into your custom lesson) | ||
Explore Xello's College planning knowledge hub. Answer the following questions in the text box below:
Click Turn in when complete. |
Custom Lesson: Postsecondary and career planning follow-up
Lesson title | Recommended Grade | Prerequisites |
Postsecondary and career planning follow-up | 11 |
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson) | ||
As part of your postsecondary and career planning, you’ve created your 4-year course plan, and have been viewing career, school, and major information in Xello. You have also been busy exploring career and postsecondary options in other ways. You may have attended a career fair, campus tour, program information session, financial aid presentation, workshop or something else. If you’re looking to keep adding to your experiences, remember to check out the Illinois student assistance commission (ISAC) student portal. Their Toolbox highlights additional resources and events to help with college preparation, financial aid, and more.
Click Turn in when complete |
Custom Lesson: Academic goal setting
Lesson title | Recommended |
Prerequisites |
Academic goal setting |
11 or 12 |
1 saved goal(s) |
Instructions for students (copy and paste into your custom lesson) | ||
Identify an academic goal you would like to achieve by the end of this school year.
Once completed, click Turn in. |
Custom Lesson: Team-based challenges portfolio
Lesson title | Recommended Grade | Prerequisites |
Team-based challenges portfolio | 11 or 12 | 1 Portfolio(s) |
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson) | ||
You will create a portfolio to highlight your team-based challenges through information, artifacts, and resources you’ve gathered and created for this project. Directions:
Any additional information Click Turn in when complete |
Custom Lesson: Postsecondary decision day
Lesson title | Recommended grade(s) | Prerequisites |
Postsecondary decision day | 12 |
None |
Instructions for students (copy and paste into your custom lesson) | ||
Our In order for us to be able to celebrate you in our upcoming Decision Day for whatever choice you made, we need to know what that choice is. Please provide confirmation of one of the choices below:
Select Attach files below to upload confirmation of your postsecondary plan. Click Turn in when complete. |
Custom Lesson: Completing the FAFSA
Lesson title | Recommended grade(s) | Prerequisites |
Completing the FAFSA | 12 |
None |
Instructions for students (copy and paste into your custom lesson) | ||
The Free application for federal student aid (FAFSA) is a form you complete to determine your eligibility for federal student aid.
Click Turn in when complete. |
Custom Lesson: Industry credential
Lesson title | Recommended Grade | Prerequisites |
CCRI: Industry credential | 11 or 12 | 3 saved career(s) |
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson) | ||
You’re using Xello to track completion of your College and career readiness indicators (CCRI). These are an important part of preparing for what’s to come after high school. You’ll need to complete at least 3 of these indicators by the time you graduate.
Click Turn in when complete |
Custom Lesson: Military service or an ASVAB score of 31 or higher
Lesson title | Recommended Grade | Prerequisites |
CCRI: Military service or an ASVAB score of 31 or higher | 11 or 12 | 3 saved career(s) |
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson) | ||
You’re using Xello to track completion of your College and career readiness indicators (CCRI). These are an important part of preparing for what’s to come after high school. You’ll need to complete at least 3 of these indicators by the time you graduate. Directions:
Click Turn in when complete |
Custom Lesson: Dual credit career pathway course
Lesson title | Recommended Grade | Prerequisites |
CCRI: Dual credit career pathway course (college credit earned) | 11 or 12 |
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson) | ||
You’re using Xello to track completion of your College and career readiness indicators (CCRI). These are an important part of preparing for what’s to come after high school. You’ll need to complete at least 3 of these indicators by the time you graduate. Review the Dual credit career pathway course (college credit earned) indicator requirement in Xello and mark the indicator as complete. Upload evidence of course completion and college credit earned to this lesson. This could include a PDF printout of your Xello Course Planner. Click Turn in when complete |
Custom Lesson: Complete a program of study to be a CTE Concentrator
Lesson title | Recommended Grade | Prerequisites |
CCRI: Complete a program of study to be a CTE Concentrator | 11 or 12 | 3 saved career(s) |
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson) | ||
You’re using Xello to track completion of your College and career readiness indicators (CCRI). These are an important part of preparing for what’s to come after high school. You’ll need to complete at least 3 of these indicators by the time you graduate. Review the Complete a program of study to be a CTE Concentrator indicator requirements in Xello and mark the indicator as complete. Upload evidence to support your CTE Concentrator program completion to this lesson. This could include a PDF printout of your Xello Course Planner. Click Turn in when complete |
Custom Lesson: Maintain consistent employment for at least 12 months
Lesson title | Recommended Grade | Prerequisites |
CCRI: Maintain consistent employment for at least 12 months | 11 or 12 | 1 Experience(s) |
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson) | ||
You’re using Xello to track completion of your College and career readiness indicators (CCRI). These are an important part of preparing for what’s to come after high school. You’ll need to complete at least 3 of these indicators by the time you graduate.
Click Turn in when complete. |
Custom Lesson: Consecutive Summer Employment
Lesson title | Recommended Grade | Prerequisites |
CCRI: Consecutive summer employment | 11 or 12 | 1 Experience(s) |
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson) | ||
You’re using Xello to track completion of your College and career readiness indicators (CCRI). These are an important part of preparing for what’s to come after high school. You’ll need to complete at least 3 of these indicators by the time you graduate.
Click Turn in when complete |
Custom Lesson: 25 hours of community service
Lesson title | Recommended Grade | Prerequisites |
CCRI: 25 hours of community service | 11 or 12 |
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson) | ||
You’re using Xello to track completion of your College and career readiness indicators (CCRI). These are an important part of preparing for what’s to come after high school. You’ll need to complete at least 3 of these indicators by the time you graduate.
Click Turn in when complete |
Custom Lesson: Two or more organized co-curricular activities
Lesson title | Recommended Grade | Prerequisites |
CCRI: Two or more organized co-curricular activities | 11 or 12 | 2 saved interests |
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson) | ||
You’re using Xello to track completion of your College and career readiness indicators (CCRI). These are an important part of preparing for what’s to come after high school. You’ll need to complete at least 3 of these indicators by the time you graduate.
Any additional information Click Turn in when complete |