Setting Up Xello Lessons for Rhode Island's ILP
In this article

This simple guide shows you how to set up Xello’s Lessons to ensure your students meet the requirements of the Individual Learning Plan (ILP).

Custom Lesson Guide

You can use these examples to develop your Xello Custom Lessons to ensure your students meet the requirements of Rhode Island's ILP.

Custom Lesson: Academic SMART Goal Setting

Lesson Title Recommended Grade Prerequisites
Academic SMART Goal Setting 6 2 Goals
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson)
In this lesson you will be setting short and long term Academic goals.

SMART is a well-established tool that you can use to plan and achieve your goals. Each letter in the acronym 'SMART' stands for a different element of this goal-setting strategy.

Take a few minutes to watch the following videos about SMART goals:
Review this SMART goal example and then review your Xello goals. In the text box below, indicate how you would make one of your academic goals into a SMART goal by describing each component:
  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Realistic and relevant
  • Timely

And answer:
  • What are possible obstacles to this goal and how would you overcome them?

If you have any questions, reach out to your advisory teacher or schedule an appointment with your Counselor.

Click ‘Turn In’ when complete.

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Custom Lesson: Career SMART Goal Setting

Lesson Title Recommended Grade Prerequisites
Career SMART Goal Setting 7 2 Goals
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson)
In this lesson you will be setting short and long term Career goals.

SMART is a well-established tool that you can use to plan and achieve your goals. Each letter in the acronym 'SMART' stands for a different element of this goal-setting strategy.

Take a few minutes to watch the following videos about SMART goals:
Review this SMART goal example and then review your Xello goals. In the text box below, indicate how you would make one of your academic goals into a SMART goal by describing each component:
  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Realistic and relevant
  • Timely

And answer:
  • What are possible obstacles to this goal and how would you overcome them?

If you have any questions, reach out to your advisory teacher or schedule an appointment with your Counselor.

Click ‘Turn In’ when complete.

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Custom Lesson: Explore Career Clusters

Lesson Title Recommended Grade Prerequisites
Explore Career Clusters 7 Favorite at least 1 Cluster
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson)
In the text box below include the name of the Career Cluster you selected. List 2 possible careers to further explore in Xello related to this Cluster.

That’s it! Click ‘Turn In’ when complete.

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Custom Lesson: 4-Year Course Plan

Lesson Title Recommended Grade Prerequisites
4-Year Course Plan 9 Course Planner - 4-Year Plan
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson)
Congratulations on creating your High School four-year course plan!

Ensure the courses you selected fulfill the graduation requirements and align to your career and postsecondary education goals. Each year, you will come back to your course plan to re-evaluate your course selections and modify based on your updated goals.

In the text box below Identify one High School course that you are most excited about and how that course will help you to prepare for your future career goals.

Click ‘Turn In’ when complete.

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Custom Lesson: Academic SMART Goal Setting

Lesson Title Recommended Grade Prerequisites
Academic SMART Goal Setting 9 2 Goals
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson)
In this lesson you will be setting short and long term Academic goals.

You may recall completing a lesson with the same name in Grade 6. This is your opportunity to review and set new SMART goals!

SMART is a well-established tool that you can use to plan and achieve your goals. Each letter in the acronym 'SMART' stands for a different element of this goal-setting strategy.

Take a few minutes to watch the following videos about SMART goals:
Review this SMART goal example and then review your Xello goals. In the text box below, indicate how you would make one of your academic goals into a SMART goal by describing each component:
  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Realistic and relevant
  • Timely

And answer:
  • What are possible obstacles to this goal and how would you overcome them?

If you have any questions, reach out to your advisory teacher or schedule an appointment with your Counselor.

Click ‘Turn In’ when complete.

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Custom Lesson: Build Your Resume

Lesson Title Recommended Grade Prerequisites
Build Your Resume 9 Resume Builder
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson)
Congratulations on using Xello’s Resume Builder to create an engaging resume! You’re now ready to begin applying to part-time jobs, summer jobs, and volunteer opportunities.

Please upload a current version of your resume to this Lesson and click ‘Turn In’.

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Custom Lesson: Skills Lab

Lesson Title Recommended Grade Prerequisites
Skills Lab 10 Skills Lab
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson)
Congratulations on completing Xello’s Skills Lab assessment to evaluate how often you wish to use each skill in your future career.

  1. Check out your Skills Lab results and click Review My Answers.
  2. In the text box below type the skill at the top of your list.
  3. Next, review your Saved Careers. In the text box below add your saved career which most closely aligns to your top skill.

Skill - Listening
Career - Community Worker

Click ‘Turn In’ when complete.

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Custom Lesson: Career SMART Goal Setting

Lesson Title Recommended Grade Prerequisites
Academic SMART Goal Setting 10 2 Goals
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson)
In this lesson you will be setting short and long term Career goals.

You may recall completing a lesson with the same name in Grade 7. This is your opportunity to review and set new SMART goals!

SMART is a well-established tool that you can use to plan and achieve your goals. Each letter in the acronym 'SMART' stands for a different element of this goal-setting strategy.

Take a few minutes to watch the following videos about SMART goals:
Review this SMART goal example and then review your Xello goals. In the text box below, indicate how you would make one of your academic goals into a SMART goal by describing each component:
  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Realistic and relevant
  • Timely

And answer:
  • What are possible obstacles to this goal and how would you overcome them?

If you have any questions, reach out to your advisory teacher or schedule an appointment with your Counselor.

Click ‘Turn In’ when complete.

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Custom Lesson: Explore Your Skills

Lesson Title Recommended Grade Prerequisites
Explore Your Skills 11 Skills Lab
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson)
The Skills Lab assessment asks you to assess 35 skills and critically evaluate how often you wish to use each skill in your future career. You may have taken Xello’s Skills Lab assessment in Grade 10. However, your responses may be different today!

Let’s begin by reviewing your answers. Are you surprised by any of your responses? If yes, modify your response. In the text box below, type the skill that you modified, your past response and your new response.

Skill - Negotiating
Past Response - Sometimes
New Response - Always

Click ‘Turn In’ when complete.

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Custom Lesson: Update Your Resume

Lesson Title Recommended Grade Prerequisites
Update Your Resume 12 Resume Builder
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson)
Using Xello’s Resume Builder, update your resume to include new experiences and skills!

Please upload a current version of your resume to this Lesson and click ‘Turn In’.

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