Tracking CCMR Indicators for Texas Schools

Xello’s CCMR tool empowers Texas districts to track students’ College, Career and Military Readiness progress within Xello and deliver annual submissions to the state board of education. Students can enter their planned college, career, and military readiness indicators and educators can enter validated Completion data.

Students Exploration & Planning

Students can access their CCRM indicators in two ways:

  1. There's a link to the CCRM Indicators on their Dashboard right when they log in. It shows under the Goals & Plans quick links.
  2. They click Plans in the top menu, then the College, Career and Military Readiness card.
Student Dashboard with College, Career & Military Readiness Indicators highlighted
Click to enlarge
Student Dashboard with College, Career & Military Readiness Indicators highlighted
Student's Plans page with College, Career & Military Readiness Indicators highlighted
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Student Plans page with College, Career & Military Readiness Indicators highlighted

Once they click in, students will find the list of the indicators, including the type of indicator and a description. They have the option to check off the ones they plan to complete. The student cannot change any indicators that have been set to complete.

List of CCMR Indicators with the description expanded for Earn dual-course credits expanded.
Click to enlarge
List of CCMR Indicators with the description expanded for Earn dual-course credits expanded.

CCMR Indicator Tracking

Marking Indicators as Complete

There are two options for updating the status of students’ CCMR indicators:

  1. Update indicators for an individual student through their student profile.
  2. Upload a file to bulk update the CCMR indicators for students.

Updating indicators in the Student Profile

You can update the status of a student’s CCMR indicators in their student profile.

  1. In the search bar located at the top of any page in your educator account, enter the student's name or ID.
    Search bar in Xello educator account highlighted with cursor hovering
    Click to enlarge
    Search bar in Xello educator account highlighted with cursor hovering
    tipTip: Alternatively, from the left menu, click Students and select Student list to browse the full list of students.
  2. Click on the student's name. The About student tab of their profile opens.
    Click to enlarge
    pointer hovering over search bar
  3. Select the CCMR Indicators tab.
    Click to enlarge
    CCMR Indicators tab highlighted
  4. Click the checkbox beside the Indicator(s) the student has completed. Your changes will save automatically.
    Click to enlarge
    Highlight around Completed checkbox
    noteNote: Students can select which indicators they plan to complete; they cannot enter or modify completion data.

Uploading Completion Data

If you have a lot of students that need to have their CCMR Indicator completion recorded, you can upload completed indicators in bulk.

Complete the template as follows:

  • There should be one row per student in the file.
  • The left most column, Column A, should have the Student ID number. Be sure it’s the student ID number in Xello associated with that student’s account.
  • The remaining 10 columns, Columns B through K, each correspond to one of the CCMR Indicators. You’ll find the Indicator names at the top of each column.
  • For each indicator completed by the student, enter “1” in the relevant column.
  • To change an indicator from complete to incomplete, enter a "0" in the relevant column.
  • Leave all other columns blank.

The next step is to upload your file in Xello.

  1. From your Educator Account, click Features and select CCMR Indicators.
    Left menu shows highlight with CCMR selected
    Click to enlarge
    Left menu shows highlight with CCMR selected
  2. Click Upload File.
    Upload button highlighted in the top right corner
    Click to enlarge
    Upload button highlighted in the top right corner
  3. Click Add File, then Choose a local file to locate and select your completed file.
  4. Once your file has uploaded, click Add.
  5. Click Upload Indicators.

You'll see a Loading message while your file is being processed. Once that’s complete, the data in the chart will reflect the new completion indicators.

Troubleshooting Uploads

If there happen to be issues in the file, you’ll receive detailed feedback on how to resolve them.

Page shows upload error notifications
Click to enlarge
Page shows upload error notifications

Student ID Errors

If this error comes up, it means that one or more of the values in Column A do not match any student records in Xello.

  • Check that any students who are new already have Xello accounts.
  • If your student IDs include leading 0s, make sure they are in the file.
  • Make sure you’re using the same IDs that are associated with students in Xello. In some cases, Xello may have students’ local IDs or their state IDs depending on your district’s needs.

Invalid Indicator Values

The only values that can appear in the indicator columns, Columns B through K, are “1”, "0", and blank. If there are any other characters in those columns, the file will generate an error.

  • Check the columns listed for any characters other than “1” or "0".

Incorrect File Format

Your file must be in one of the following formats:

  • Excel (.xlsx)
  • Comma Separated Values (.csv)
tipTip: Most spreadsheet programs, like Google Sheets, have an option to export your data in one of both of the supported file formats.

Missing Columns

All CCMR Indicator columns, Columns B through K, must be present in the file with the column names in the template. The error message will indicate which column(s) are missing.

  • Add the columns specified in the error message.
  • If you have all the columns and you're still getting an error, double check the names match the ones in the template

Status changed to Incomplete (Warning)

If the file includes students who previously had complete indicators that are not included, you’ll receive a warning and have the opportunity to confirm if you want to proceed.

  • Review the students and the new indicator status.
  • You have the option to either confirm the changes or upload a new file.
tipTip: To preserve the students as complete, you can leave the relevant fields blank. This will ignore the cells and not overwrite the current status.

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Run Reports on CCMR Indicators

FYIFYI: To learn how to group students based on report results, sort the lists in reports, filter the data, and more, check out Tips and tricks with Reports.

To run a report on students’ CCMR Indicator status:

  1. From your educator account, click Reports and select Student work.
    left menu open in educator account. Report dropdown open and Student work being selected
    Click to enlarge
    left menu open in educator account. Report dropdown open and Student work being selected
  2. Towards the bottom of the page, locate the CCMR Indicator Completion card.
    CCRM Indicator Completion card with pie chart highlighted
    Click to enlarge
    CCRM Indicator Completion card with pie chart highlighted
  3. Click View Report.
  4. To view the student list of each Completion Type, click on an Indicator Status:
    • Completed
    • Planned
    • No Indicators
    • All Students

You can filter the list of students to see students who have Planned or Completed a specific indicator. Click More Filters to see these filters. The option isn’t available if you select No Indicators.

Page shows available report filters, including Indicator and Indicator Status.
Click to enlarge
Page shows available report filters, including Indicator and Indicator Status.
tipTip: If you want to see all Indicators that students have planned, even if they have already completed one or more Indicators, select All Students and then filter for Planned Indicators.
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