Remote roundtable - Xello for AVID educators

Xello productXello 6-12 Time59 mins tvRecorded January 2024

In January 2024, Xello conducted a roundtable focused on bringing together a panel of speakers who shared their best practices and lessons learned to manage successful future readiness programs.

The conversation was centered around the AVID framework, and how educators can align their Xello program and development activities to ensure all students have a path to becoming future ready.

This roundtable discussion was instrumental in helping educators in the following ways:

  • Gain insights from peers on how to apply the AVID framework into their CCR programs
  • Be inspired with practical strategies and actionable tips for engaging students that can be implemented immediately
  • Connect with a community of educators who share their passion, have refined what's already working, and identified areas for improvement—so that they can do the same

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Additional resources

  • live webinarPDF
    PDFAVID Elective Standards and Xello

    Xello’s future readiness model helps educators meet the AVID Elective Standards for grades 6-12.