Roundtable: Secrets to Student Engagement

Xello productXello K-12 Time65 mins tvRecorded December 2023

Our Remote Roundtable series brings together a panel of speakers who share their best practices and lessons learned to manage successful future readiness programs.

Watch as our panel digs into the strategies and tactics they use to keep even the trickiest student groups engaged in their career readiness plans. Plus, we’ll give you a closer look into a few exciting updates coming soon to Xello–like a new student dashboard experience that promises to boost student engagement by giving them more reasons to log in on their own, so you can focus on your specific program requirements.

This roundtable discussion covers the following:

  • Gain student engagement insights from your peers you can use to set a solid foundation for success,
  • Be inspired with practical strategies and actionable tips for engaging K-12 students that you can implement in the new year,
  • Connect with a community of educators who share your passion, have refined what's already working, and identified areas for improvement–so that you can do the same!
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