About Work-related Learning in Xello
As a
Save time and stay organised with a centralised database to manage your contacts, companies, and opportunities. And create efficiencies through a streamlined workflow with an integrated work-related learning and careers, education, information, and guidance solution.
About WRL Opportunities in Xello
PDFPDFIntroduction to WRL in Xello
PDFPDFTrack Gatsby Benchmarks 5 and 6 with Bulk Status Updates in WRL
Xello ResourceXello ResourceAbout WRL in Xello
Partner Support
PDFPDFWRL Recruitment Tips
PDFPDFWRL Partner Brochure
WRL Resources for Careers Leaders and Teachers
PDFPDFOpportunity Coordinator Guide
PDFPDFEducator's Guide to Opportunities
PDFPDFWRL Student Handout
Training and Resources
Xello ResourceXello ResourceWRL Opportunities Knowledge Base