Skills Lab Assessment

userEducatorTime4 minutes

Students use the Skills Lab assessment to critically evaluate how often they wish to use a set of common skills in their future career.

This assessment is unique as it removes the anxiety and pressure that often comes with assessing how good they already are at a skill. Instead it has them focusing on the skills they’d most enjoy using, and which ones they value most.

noteNote: Because it involves more advanced cognitive capabilities, Skills Lab is available for students in year 10 and up.

Students access the Skills Lab assessment from their dashboard or from the About me page. They rate 35 key skills based on how frequently they would like to use that skill in their future career. The rating varies from Always, to Sometimes, to Never.

Once they’ve finished rating these 35 skills, the results page shows their top five career matches based on their skill preferences.

Once they begin exploring careers, clicking on Find out why will help them understand the strength of match. The Find out why table demonstrates how frequently a skill is used in the career in comparison to how they rated wanting to use the skill.

Check out this short video to learn more:

Introduction to Skills Lab 3:04

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