Try It: Create a Plan or Set a Goal

Now it's time for you to try it out so you can learn about the many different pathways and demonstrate with your students.

To create and edit a plan or goal in Xello: 

  1. Log in to your demo student account.
  2. Click Plans in the top menu.
    Click to enlarge
  3. Choose between Make a Plan or Set a Goal.
    Click to enlarge
  4. Enter a title for your plan or goal.
  5. Choose an option or category, follow any prompts and click Next Step.
    • If you want to learn more about a pathway or category, click Not sure? Learn about these options. and select a profile.
      Click to enlarge
  6. Review the to-do list and click Done or Set Goal.
  7. Pop back in to review and make changes or additions.