Setting Up Xello Lessons for Kentucky's ILP

This simple guide shows you how Xello’s Lessons meet the requirements of the Individual Learning Plan(ILP).

Lesson Sequence

In your Lesson sequence, the Lessons below are to be marked as Core. Lessons marked as Core are front and center on students’ dashboard and can be filtered in Lesson Progress reports.

Lessons marked with an asterisk (*) are custom lessons, which are described in the Custom Lesson Guide.

ILP Requirement Xello Lesson Recommended Grade
Exploring careers (6th grade)
Exploring careers beginning in the 6th grade
School Subjects at Work 6
Finding careers
Finding careers that match their skills and interests
Interests 6
Explore Career Matches 8
Skills 8
Career Path Choices 12
Education Plans
Creating education plans
Discover Learning Pathways 7
Four-Year Course Plan* 8
Establishing personal goals and revisiting these as they progress through school
Goal Setting* 9
Resume & Tracking Experiences
Creating, maintaining and changing resumes
Build Your Resume* 9
Getting Experience 9
Exploring colleges
Exploring colleges and postsecondary opportunities that match their career, postsecondary and life goals
Program Prospects 10
Choosing a College 11
Financial Aid
Connecting to the (Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority) Website for help with college planning, tuition assistance information and applications
College Planning - Knowledge Hub* 11
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Custom Lesson Guide

You can use these examples to develop your Xello Custom Lessons to ensure your students meet the requirements of Kentucky's ILP.

Custom Lesson: Four-Year Course Plan

Lesson Title Recommended Grade Prerequisites
Four-Year Course Plan 8 Course Planner - 4-Year Plan
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson)
Congratulations on using Xello's Course Planner to create a four-year course plan!
Ensure the courses you selected fulfill the graduation requirements and align to your career and postsecondary education goals. Each year, you will come back to your Xello course plan to re-evaluate your course selections and modify based on your updated goals.

In the text box below Identify one High School course that you are most excited about and how that course will help you to prepare for your future career goals.

Click ‘Turn In’ when complete.
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Custom Lesson: Goal Setting

Lesson Title Recommended Grade Prerequisites
Goal Setting 9 None
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson)
Identify at least one goal you would like to achieve by the end of this school year in the text box below. This could be a personal goal, a goal related to your high school education, part-time work, or volunteering.

After you have identified your goal, describe one task you will complete to help you on your way to achieving this goal.

Goal: Learn how to play soccer.
Task: Research soccer programs in my neighborhood. Once I have found one that I think suits me best, ask my parents if I can sign-up. If there is a cost, ask my parents if they are okay with paying the fee.

That's it! Make sure you click 'Turn In' when you have completed documenting your Goal and Task below.
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Custom Lesson: Build Your Resume

Lesson Title Recommended Grade Prerequisites
Build Your Resume 9 Resume Builder
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson)
Use Xello’s Resume Builder to create an engaging resume! You’re now ready to begin applying to part-time jobs, summer jobs, and volunteer opportunities.

Please upload a current version of your resume to this Lesson and click ‘Turn In’.
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Custom Lesson: College Planning - Knowledge Hub

Lesson Title Recommended Grade Prerequisites
College Planning - Knowledge Hub 11 None
Instructions for Students (Copy and paste into your custom lesson)
Explore Xello's College Planning Knowledge Hub and the (Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority) website.

Answer the following questions in the text box below:
Click ‘Turn In’ when complete.
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