All About Missions in Xello 3-5

Xello productXello 3-5 Time30 mins + Q&AtvLive Webinar

Xello's interactive Missions in Xello 3-5 are story-driven lessons that encourage ongoing learning and reflection on a wide range of future readiness topics. They can be woven into curriculum plans, assigned as self-paced activities, and used as future-readiness progress milestones. Your students will uncover new skills and insights, and you’ll seamlessly strengthen their self-knowledge and career awareness with these ready-made Xello Lessons. Attend this session to learn about the topics they address and the learning outcomes they achieve. In addition, see how educators with Xello administrator access can create Custom lessons to help fulfill grade level requirements.

This session will cover:

  • What Xello Missions are, the topics they cover, the skills they build, and how they work
  • Lesson settings, sequence, and custom options
  • Tracking lesson completion and viewing your students' work
  • Strategies to help your students get the most out of Lessons

Upcoming Sessions

  • Wednesday, September 18, 2024 at 12:00 pm ET


Can't attend the live session? Register above to receive a recording of the event. Or watch a previously recorded session.

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Additional resources

  • pdfPDF
    PDFIntroducing students to Xello: Scope and sequence

    The Scope and sequence document outlines recommendations for how to use Xello throughout each grade.

  • pdfPDF
    PDFLessons pacing guide

    Use this pacing guide to simplify your experience with Xello Lessons and supplementary resources. Topics for each grade level are sequenced for you, so you can see at a glance the order in which to deliver the curriculum.

  • short videoShort Video
    Short VideoIntroduction to Xello 3-5
get startedGet Started
Lesson Resources for Xello 3-5These resources can help you and your students get the most out of Xello's Lessons. These resources come with discussion prompts, vocabulary, and activities to support each Xello Lesson.
knowledge baseKnowledge Base
Lessons in Xello 3-5Browse through our resources on Lessons in Xello 3-5 to learn more.