Xello activity lesson plan resources

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Use these resources to help your students engage with Xello activities and, in some cases, complete prerequisites to unlock Xello lessons. Many of Xello's Lessons have prerequisite activities that students must complete before they can start the lesson. For example, in order to start the Schools subjects at work lesson, students must have saved at least three careers before they can begin the Xello Lesson.

By completing the prerequisites, Xello Lessons are personalised to each individual student based on their likes, interests, saved careers and more. This helps them to understand and reflect on content that is meaningful to them.

Prerequisites can also be added to custom lessons and assignments for your students to complete. Some of the resources below might help with those added prerequisites.

In addition to the Xello Activity lesson plans that correspond with a Xello Lesson prerequisite, have your students complete the Introduction to About Me new tab activity at the beginning of each school year. Encourage them to reflect on and update their Experiences, Skills, and Interests. Help your students maintain their self-knowledge as they learn and grow.

TipTip: These Xello Activity lesson plans work well in tandem with our Lesson resources for England and Lesson resources for Northern Ireland. These resources include discussion prompts, vocabulary, and pre- and post-Lesson activities.
Xello activity lesson plan Xello prerequisites Time Inquiry prompt
Add Interests, Skills, and Experiences 40 - 50 mins
  • How can understanding myself shape how I think about the future?
Add 5 Interests 15 - 25 mins
  • What sorts of things do I like to do in my free time?
  • What do my interests say about me?
Complete the Matchmaker assessment 30 - 35 mins
  • How can I decide which type of career is best for me?
  • How can my interests impact what type of career interests me?
Complete the Personality styles assessment 15 - 20 mins
  • What are the 6 personality styles and how do they relate to core job tasks and workplace environments?
Complete the Mission complete assessment 25 - 30 mins
  • How can my interests impact what type of career interests me?
pdfMy career clusters New Complete the Matchmaker assessment, save 3 Careers 90 mins
  • What is a career cluster?
  • How can exploring careers within a career cluster help me with my future plans?
Complete the Learning styles quiz 15 - 20 mins
  • How will knowing my learning style help me?
Complete the Skills lab assessment 40 - 45 mins
  • How often would I like to use various skills in my future career?
Add 3 experiences to the Experiences timeline 10 - 15 mins
  • What's an experience I've had that helped me develop a work-related skill?
None 30 - 40 mins
  • How can a CV present my skills, education, and experience in a way that best represents me?
pdfMy portfolios None 50 - 60 mins
  • How can keeping a portfolio of my career search help me in the future?
Save 3 Careers 20 - 30 mins
  • How can exploring careers that interest me help me plan for the future?
  • What do the careers that interest me tell me about myself?
Save 3 Universities 30 - 40 mins
  • When considering post-secondary education, what are my top priorities?
Save 3 Courses & apprenticeships 15 - 20 mins
  • What kind of courses and apprenticeships interest me?
None 25 - 30 mins
  • Why is it important to write down my goals?
  • What are some small steps I can take toward achieving my goals?
None 30 - 40 mins
  • How can I prepare for the future, even if I don't know exactly what I want to do?
  • What different pathways are there toward a pan for the future, and which one is best for my plan?

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Additional resources

  • pdfPDF
    PDFIntroducing students to Xello: Scope and sequence

    The Scope and sequence document outlines recommendations for how to use Xello throughout each year.

  • pdfPDF
    PDFLessons pacing guide

    Use this pacing guide to simplify your experience with Xello Lessons and supplementary resources. Topics for each year group are sequenced for you, so you can see at a glance the order in which to deliver the curriculum.

    SUPPLEMENTARY RESOURCEIntroducing Xello to students

    Use the resources on this page to help introduce Xello on the first day of class. The presentation and video will help get students started!.

  • xello resourceXello Resource
    Xello ResourceIntegrated Lessons in XelloUse this walkthrough to explore how Xello's interactive Lessons helps students build critical skills and knowledge for real-world success while encouraging ongoing reflection.