Run reports on FAFSA and state aid applications
userEducator Xello productXello 6-12 Time4 minutes

As your students add details of their FAFSA and state aid applications in Xello for tracking purposes, you can run a report to keep track of their progress and status. This report enables you to verify or flag uploaded confirmations, making it easier to identify students who need help with their applications. By utilizing filters, you can narrow the list by status, allowing you to quickly reach out to students and provide guidance on next steps.

FYIFYI: To learn how to group students based on report results, sort the lists in reports, filter the data, and more, check out Tips and Tricks with Reports.

Run a report on FAFSA and state aid applications

The FAFSA and state aid report can be found under Reports, in the College Planning section. From the report, view how students are tracking their financial aid applications, filter and reorder the list, visit student profiles, and export the report to an Excel or CSV file.

To run a report on FAFSA and state aid applications:

  1. From your educator account, click Reports and select College Planning.
    Left menu with Reports open, College Planning selected
    Click to enlarge
    Left menu with Reports open, College Planning selected
  2. In the tile called FAFSA and state aid, click View report.
    In the College Planning section of Reports in Xello. Cursor is selecting the FAFSA and state aid report
    Click to enlarge
    In the College Planning section of Reports in Xello. Cursor is selecting the FAFSA and state aid report
  3. By default, the list is ordered alphabetically by student name. You can click a column header to reorder the list.
    The FAFSA and state aid report. There is a list of students with a variety of state aid applications being tracked. Some include a link to view the image, some have a status of flagged and others have a verified status
    Click to enlarge
    The FAFSA and state aid report. There is a list of students with a variety of state aid applications being tracked. Some include a link to view the image, some have a status of flagged and others have a verified status
  4. Click on a student’s name if you want to view their profile.
  5. Read below for tips on filtering, creating groups, and exporting the report to your computer.

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Review a student's application confirmation

Once you’ve run the report, you can review and verify your student’s uploaded application confirmation for accurate tracking. You can also update the review status if you met with the student in person to confirm their submission.

To review a student's application confirmation:

  1. From your educator account, click Reports and select College Planning.
    Left menu with Reports open, College Planning selected
    Click to enlarge
    Left menu with Reports open, College Planning selected
  2. In the tile called FAFSA and state aid, click View report.
    In the College Planning section of Reports in Xello. Cursor is selecting the FAFSA and state aid report
    Click to enlarge
    In the College Planning section of Reports in Xello. Cursor is selecting the FAFSA and state aid report
  3. If the student has submitted an image or file for you to review, click the View image or View pdf link to open it in a new tab.
    The FAFSA and state aid report. Cursor is clicking a link called View image which will open the student's confirmation image in a new tab
    Click to enlarge
    The FAFSA and state aid report. Cursor is clicking a link called View image which will open the student's confirmation image in a new tab
  4. After reviewing the image, click the Select status dropdown.
    The FAFSA and state aid report. Cursor is going to change the "Reviewed" status to Verified or Flagged
    Click to enlarge
    The FAFSA and state aid report. Cursor is going to change the "Reviewed" status to Verified or Flagged
    • If the image or file looks accurate and correct, click Verified.
    • If the image or file needs to be reuploaded by the student, click Flagged.
  5. The student will immediately be able to view the status update in their financial aid application tracker in Xello and take action where necessary.
  6. tipTip: Check out How students track FAFSA and state aid applications to learn more about their experience.

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Use filters and groups to streamline your tasks

Use filters in the report to narrow the list and complete tasks efficiently. The filtered list can then be used to add students to a new or existing group, or to send a message to each student on the list.

The FAFSA and state aid report. The filters button is highlighted
The filters modal for FAFSA and state aid report. Filters includ Status, Date, Confirmations and Reviewed

Check out the examples below for tips on how to use filters and groups with the FAFSA and state aid report.

Review outstanding uploaded images or files for one application type:

  1. Apply the following filters:
    • Type (FAFSA applications, state aid applications, or not applying)
    • Confirmation: View file
    • Reviewed: Not reviewed yet
  2. This filtered list will be the students who have not had their uploaded image or file showing confirmation of their application reviewed yet.
    The FAFSA and state aid report. The student list has been filtered to students who have applied for FAFSA and uploaded their confirmation and have not had their submission reviewed
    Click to enlarge
    The FAFSA and state aid report. The student list has been filtered to students who have applied for FAFSA and uploaded their confirmation and have not had their submission reviewed
  3. Work your way down the Confirmation column viewing the images and pdfs to make sure they’re accurate, updating the status as you go.

Send a reminder to students who are in the early stages of their application:

  1. Apply the following filters:
    • Status: In progress
    • Date: a range earlier in the school year
  2. This filtered list will be the students who have begun their application but haven’t completed and sent it.
  3. To send a reminder to the students on this filtered list, click Send message.
    The FAFSA and state aid report. The student list has been filtered to students who have asked for help with their application. The cursor is clicking Add to group
    Click to enlarge
    The FAFSA and state aid report. The student list has been filtered to students who have asked for help with their application. The cursor is clicking Add to group

Create a group of students who have indicated they need help with their application:

  1. Apply the following filters:
    • Status: Needs help with application
  2. This filtered list will be the students who have begun their application but haven’t sent it yet and are looking for help from a counselor.
  3. To add the students on this filtered list to a group, click Add to group. You can choose to add them to an existing group, or create a new one.
    The FAFSA and state aid report. The student list has been filtered to students who have asked for help with their application. The cursor is clicking Add to group
    Click to enlarge
    The FAFSA and state aid report. The student list has been filtered to students who have asked for help with their application. The cursor is clicking Add to group
  4. Access the group later in the left menu of Xello by clicking Students and selecting Student groups.
  5. Send the group a message with helpful tips and links, or encourage them to book time to meet with you.

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Export the report

You can export the FAFSA and student aid report to Excel or a CSV file. This will allow you to share the report and filtered lists, to have a reference for the future, or to print. Any filters you apply to the report will be applied to the export.

To export the FAFSA and student aid report:

  1. From your educator account, click Reports and select College Planning.
    Left menu with Reports open, College Planning selected
    Click to enlarge
    Left menu with Reports open, College Planning selected
  2. In the tile called FAFSA and state aid, click View report.
    In the College Planning section of Reports in Xello. Cursor is selecting the FAFSA and state aid report
    Click to enlarge
    In the College Planning section of Reports in Xello. Cursor is selecting the FAFSA and state aid report
  3. Click the Data options dropdown.
    The FAFSA and state aid report. The Data options dropdown is open and highlighted. In the dropdown, there are options to remove table columns and to export the data to an Excel or CSV file
    Click to enlarge
    The FAFSA and state aid report. The Data options dropdown is open and highlighted. In the dropdown, there are options to remove table columns and to export the data to an Excel or CSV file
  4. Optional: add or remove columns to include.
  5. Choose between exporting the table to an Excel spreadsheet or a CSV file and click the icon.
    • Depending on your browser settings, you'll be prompted to save the file or it will download to your computer.

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Additional resources

  • pdfPDF
    PDFTrack your FAFSA application in Xello - student guide New

    Share this quick guide with your students to help them learn how they record their FAFSA applications in Xello.

  • pdfPDF
    PDFMy college financial aid options lesson planUse this lesson plan to create a Xello Custom Lesson to ensure your college bound students have the knowledge they need to make the right financial decisions.
  • pdfPDF
    PDFHow to track a college application - student guide

    Share this guide with your students to help them learn how to create and track college applications in Xello.

  • live webinarRecording
    RecordingHow Xello Supports College-bound Students Applying for FAFSA

    Learn how Xello’s suite of College Planning tools can help you empower your US college-bound students to submit their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

  • pdfPDF
    PDFScholarships guide - student guide

    Give this guide to students to help them find and track scholarships in Xello.