How students track FAFSA and state aid applications
userEducator Xello productXello 6-12 Time8 minutes

Your students can track their FAFSA and state aid applications in Xello. You can help your students submit their application correctly and on time, giving them a better chance of receiving financial aid.

noteNote: The option to track state aid applications is only visible when state aid is available. See the list of available state aid applications below.

They're able to track their application progress from when they first begin the process, to when they receive their results, including any corrections needed along the way. This allows their educators to monitor the application process and help where needed. The available statuses students can select are:

  • In progress: They’ve begun the application process. They are not looking for help from an educator or counselor.
  • Need help with application: They’ve begun the application process and are looking for help from an educator or counselor.
  • Submitted - Awaiting results: They’ve submitted their application and are awaiting results. They’ll need to show confirmation of their submission. They can do this by uploading a screenshot or file of their confirmation page, or showing their counselor in person.
  • Submitted - Needs corrections: They’ve submitted their application and it was processed but a correction is required.
  • Received results: They’ve submitted their application and have received results. They’ll need to show confirmation of their application results. They can do this by uploading a screenshot or file of their confirmation page, or showing their counselor in person.

They can also indicate if they’re opting out of applying for financial aid. If they’re opting out, they need to upload their financial aid opt-out form or letter or show it to their counselor in person.

Applying for financial aid can be a daunting task, and difficult to navigate. If students are looking for more information while adding their financial aid application details, they can check out the Need help? section. They’ll be able to visit Federal Student Aid or state aid websites, or read up on Xello’s Knowledge hub articles.

Need help? section with links to the Federal Student Aid website, a state aid website, and Xello's Knowledge hub
Students can learn more information by visiting the financial aid sites, or reading Knowledge hub articles.

Meanwhile, in your educator account, you can Run reports on FAFSA and state aid tracking to verify their submission, view how many students are applying for either federal or state financial aid, who might need extra prompting to get their application in, and who is opting out.

Learn how students:

Add FAFSA or state aid application details

Students access their FAFSA and state aid application tracking details in the College Planning section of Xello. Here’s how they add their application details:

  1. From the top menu dropdown called Plans, they click College Planning.
    Click to enlarge
  2. They scroll down to the FAFSA and state aid applications section and click Add details.
    College Planning page with a focus on "FAFSA and state aid applications" where cursor is clicking "Add details"
    Click to enlarge
    College Planning page with a focus on "FAFSA and state aid applications" where cursor is clicking "Add details"
  3. They select whether they’re applying for FAFSA, the state aid option (if available), or if they’re opting out.
    "Add application details" page. There is a question asking "What aid program are you applying to?" and "What's the status of your application?" There's also a section called "Need help?" with links to more information
    Click to enlarge
    "Add application details" page. There is a question asking "What aid program are you applying to?" and "What's the status of your application?" There's also a section called "Need help?" with links to more information
  4. They select the current status of their application.
    "Add application details" page. The status dropdown is open. The options are "in progress", "need help with application", "submitted - awaiting results", "submitted - needs corrections", and "received results"
    Click to enlarge
    "Add application details" page. The status dropdown is open. The options are "in progress", "need help with application", "submitted - awaiting results", "submitted - needs corrections", and "received results"
  5. Where necessary, they upload a screenshot or file of their confirmation or received results, or indicate if they’ll show their counselor in person.
    Add application details page with a section called "Show confirmation of your completed application" where the student can choose to upload a file or show the counselor in person
    Click to enlarge
    Add application details page with a section called "Show confirmation of your completed application" where the student can choose to upload a file or show the counselor in person
  6. They click Save.
  7. They’ll be returned to the College Planning page where a green banner indicates success.
    Student's College Planning page with a green banner that says "Done! You added your FAFSA application details."
    Click to enlarge
    Student's College Planning page with a green banner that says "Done! You added your FAFSA application details."
    • Later, they can check if there's an update indicating when an educator has reviewed their application details.

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Edit financial aid application details

Students can edit the status or upload a new screenshot or confirmation file if they have received news of their application or if an educator has flagged their entry as needing corrections.

How students edit or update their details:

  1. From the top menu dropdown called Plans, they click College Planning.
    Click to enlarge
  2. They scroll down to the FAFSA and state aid applications section and next to the entry they'd like to update, they click Edit.
    College Planning page with a focus on "FAFSA and state aid applications" where cursor is clicking "Edit"
    Click to enlarge
    College Planning page with a focus on "FAFSA and state aid applications" where cursor is clicking "Edit"
  3. They make their edits by changing the status or uploading a new screenshot or confirmation file, and click Save.
  4. They’ll be returned to the College Planning page where a green banner indicates success and where they can see the Last updated date has changed.

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Delete financial aid application details

Students can delete their details and uploads if they need to. How students delete their FAFSA and state aid details:

  1. From the top menu dropdown called Plans, they click College Planning.
    Click to enlarge
  2. They scroll down to the FAFSA and state aid applications section and next to the entry they'd like to update, they click Edit.
    College Planning page with a focus on "FAFSA and state aid applications" where cursor is clicking "Edit"
    Click to enlarge
    College Planning page with a focus on "FAFSA and state aid applications" where cursor is clicking "Edit"
  3. From the bottom of the screen, they click Delete.
    Edit application details page with the "Delete" link highlighted
    Click to enlarge
    Edit application details page with the "Delete" link highlighted
  4. They confirm they won't be able to recover the details of their application after deleting, and click Delete.
    "Delete application details" modal which says "If you delete these application details, you will not be able to recover them." Delete and Cancel button
    Click to enlarge
    "Delete application details" modal which says "If you delete these application details, you will not be able to recover them." Delete and Cancel button
  5. They’ll be returned to the College Planning page where a green banner indicates success and where they can see the entry is no longer in the list.

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List of available state aid applications

Here is the list of available state aid applications across the US:

  • CADAA - California Dream Act Application
  • CASFA - Colorado Application for State Financial Aid
  • AACTUS - Aid Application for CT Undocumented Students
  • FFAA - Florida Financial Aid Application
  • Alternative Application for Illinois Financial Aid
  • MSFAA - Maryland State Financial Aid Application
  • MASFA - Massachusetts Application for State Financial Aid
  • Minnesota Dream Act Application
  • New Jersey Alternative Financial Aid Application
  • NMFAA - New Mexico FAFSA Alternative Application
  • MYSFA - New York State DREAM Act Application
  • ORSAA - Oregon Student Aid Application
  • Rhode Island Alternative Application for State Postsecondary Student Financial Assistance
  • TASFA - Texas Application for State Financial Aid
  • VASA - Virginia Alternative State Aid
  • WASFA - Washington Application for State Financial Aid

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Additional resources

  • pdfPDF
    PDFTrack your FAFSA application in Xello - student guide New

    Share this quick guide with your students to help them learn how they record their FAFSA applications in Xello.

  • pdfPDF
    PDFHow to track a college application - student guide

    Share this guide with your students to help them learn how to create and track college applications in Xello.

  • pdfShort video
    Short videoPaying for college - student-facing video

    Help students learn how to navigate their financial aid options. From applying for FAFSA to learning about scholarships, grants, work-study, and loans.

  • pdfPDF
    PDFScholarships guide - student guide

    Give this guide to students to help them find and track scholarships in Xello.

  • pdfShort video
    Short videoDiscover your scholarship options - student-facing video New

    Help students learn how to navigate their scholarship options. From understanding different types of scholarships and how they work, to where students can find verified scholarship opportunities, when to apply, and even what to watch out for.

  • pdfPDF
    PDFMy college fair preparation lesson planIn this lesson plan, students will make the most of their college fair experience with some pre-fair research in Xello, followed by preparation of questions to ask college fair representatives.
  • docGoogle doc
    Google docCollege fair preparation handoutShare this handout with students to help them get the most out of college fairs by creating a portfolio that summarizes their college research.
  • slidesPresentation
    PresentationCollege fair flyerEdit, print, and distribute this flyer to help prepare your students for any upcoming college fairs.
  • live webinarRecording
    RecordingHow Xello Supports College-bound Students Applying for FAFSA

    Learn how Xello’s suite of College Planning tools can help you empower your US college-bound students to submit their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

  • live webinarRecording
    RecordingRequesting and Sending College Documents

    Sending documents to colleges across the United States has never been easier! Whether it's a transcript or a recommendation letter, learn how college documents are managed within Xello.

  • live webinarRecording
    RecordingCollege Planning Tools in Xello

    Learn how Xello’s suite of College Planning tools can help you empower your US college-bound students stay organized and on track with college research, scholarships, and application tracking.

  • pdfPDF
    PDFCommon App annual tasks

    A guide to help admin and counselors with wind-down tasks before the end of the Common App school year and start-up tasks before the next.